What We're Reading...
Before We Leave
Just so it’s clear—-
No whining on the journey.
If you whine, you’ll get stuck
somewhere with people
like yourself. It’s an unwritten law.
Wear hiking boots. Pack food
and a change of clothes.
We go slowly. Endurance won’t
be enough. Though without it
you can’t get to the place
where more of you is asked.
Expect there will be times
when you’ll be afraid,
Hold hands and tremble together
if you must, but remember
each of us is alone.
Where are we going?
It’s not an issue of here or there.
And if you ever feel you can’t
take another step, imagine
how you might feel to arrive
if not wiser, a little more aware
how to inhabit the middle ground
between misery and joy.
Trudge on. In the higher regions
where footing is unsure
to trudge is to survive.
Stephen Dunn And one last thought, if you're a member of the double X chromosome group, go get a copy of Debora Spar's Wonder Women: Sex, Power and the Quest for Perfection. We think there's a lot of food for thought.