- 4 min
When Is a Rule Not A Rule? How AAMD's Resolution Puts Collections in the Crosshairs
In Part II of a duo of guest blog posts (See May 11 for Part I) guest blogger Steven Miller examines the fate of museum collections in...
- 2 min
Museum Women, Working, and COVID-19
**********So, as you restart your organizational engines, here are some things to remember about women returning to your workplace:...
- 1 min
Museum Endowments Aren’t Crisis Cash Cows
AAMD Board of Trustees Approves Resolution to Provide Additional Financial Flexibility to Art Museums During Pandemic Crisis (Press...
- 1 min
Museum Access in the Age of COVID and Beyond
In times of crisis it's easy to fall into the trap of the hero/shero, but is any of us capable of having all the answers? Don't we need...