- 2 min
Feeling Undervalued at Work? These Tips Will Help You Rebalance
Make sure your goals and expectations are clear: Write them down and rank them. That way employees, especially front-line employees who...
- 2 min
10 Tips for Addressing Toxic Staff
First, know what you don't know: Who is the problem and how? How is your team, staff or program suffering? And most importantly, how and...
- 3 min
How You Act Makes Workplace Equity Happen
Museopunks. This week hosts Suse Anderson and Ed Rodley examine ICOM's existential crisis over the definition of the word 'museum' by...
- 1 min
Inherited Staff? 6 Ways to Get to A Shared Vision
Pay attention at meetings. Meetings are organizations in miniature: Be clear what you want to accomplish. Create agendas--as normal as...