3 min
Leadership, Learning and Leaving: Knowing When to Go
MarkBuckawicki - Own work, CC0, This week I learned someone I've known for...
6 min
Deaccessioning Redux: Two Days at the Syracuse Symposium
Throughout the pandemic the world has been awash in online events, and that's a good thing. You can travel to annual meetings, have...
4 min
Fixing the Board: A Letter to John and Laura
PiccoloNamek on en.wikipedia - Piccolo Namek, CC BY-SA 3.0, Dear Laura Lott and...
5 min
At the Intersection of Gender and Power
Not Ready to Make Nice: Guerrilla Girls in the Art World and Beyond, Installation View, Krannert Museum, 2014 Last week I spoke with a...
4 min
@changeberkshireculture: What's the Prescription for Workplace Contentment?
For those of us who live near Western Massachusetts, the Berkshires loom large. Long a cultural phenomenon, it's an area beloved for its...