- 2 min
10 Leadership Reflections from 30,000 Feet
Remembering to pause: whether it's going outside for 15 minutes for a walk; sitting with a non-work friend over coffee; laughing. Life...
- 4 min
GEMM @ the Association of Midwest Museums/Michigan Museums Association Annual Conference
Read about the session GEMM Steering Committee member Ashley Ross is most excited about at the 2019 Association of Midwest Museums/Michigan
- 4 min
Museum Boards: Money, Values & Solutions
Warren Kanders' resignation from the Whitney's board in July 2019. Kanders, who served as the Whitney's board co-chair, joined the board...
- 3 min
Why is a Museum Definition so Important?
First, ICOM's argument is your argument. You may not have hashed it out on a global stage, but how many of you have discussed Mike...
- 2 min
Making the Moral Argument for Museum Pay
Increasing pay takes planning. Know what you don't know. Who sets pay? How often are salaries adjusted? Have your organization's salaries...